Return to Poland for Auschwitz 75 – Poland Part III Prelude
Avi Wisnia and his grandfather, David S. Wisnia – cantor and Auschwitz survivor, return to Poland to commemorate 75 years since the Holocaust; together, they will visit Warsaw, Krakow, and the site of Auschwitz itself; the trip will also feature programs and concert events led by David and Avi Wisnia, with stories about the Holocaust and music that they will perform together. Follow their journey at #MyPolishWisnia
Avi Wisnia and David Wisnia perform at the
POLIN MUSEUM in Warsaw on January 24 (INFO)
Read about my grandfather’s incredible story and his memoir:
Watch David Wisnia sing at the 70th Anniversary International Auschwitz Commemoration in Poland:
BuzzFeed Video ‘How I Survived The Holocaust’: