Thanksgivukkah Sale
Get ready to light your menurkey and drink some pumpkinshevitz, here comes Thanksgivukkah! This glorious hybrid holiday, when Thanksgiving and Hanukkah overlap, comes but once every 70,000* years, so make the most of it. One of the ways I’m making the most of it is by having a giant Thanksgivukkah sale!
Highway Excitement: East Coast Spring Tour
I don’t know if highways get you excited, but I’m pretty pumped to hit I-95 in a major way starting tomorrow. Check out these great East Coast tour dates, and come see me this week! Or tell your northeast & midatlantic brethren that we should hang out.
Saturday, April 6
West Windsor, NJ: West Windsor Arts Council
full band show
RSVP = www.facebook.com/events/4768
Tuesday, April 9
Blackstone, VA: Grew Swan Inn
solo performance, open house concert
RSVP = info@greyswaninn.com
Wednesday, April 10
Washington, DC: Twins Jazz
full band show
RSVP = www.facebook.com/events/5113
Thursday, April 11
Philadelphia, PA: Tin Angel
acoustic trio, appearing with Jennifer Logue & Kurt Scobie
RSVP = www.facebook.com/events/5675
Friday, April 12
Middletown, CT: Buttonwood Tree
solo performance, appearing with Frank Varela
RSVP = www.facebook.com/events/1234
Saturday, April 13
New York City: Rockwood Music Hall
with special guests
RSVP = www.facebook.com/events/3490
Sunday, April 14
Boston, MA: House Concert
by invitation only
FULL TOUR INFO = www.aviwisnia.com/tour
PS. A new shipment of kazoos came in today, just in time…
Happy National Kazoo Day
Happy National Kazoo Day!
Full disclosure: National Kazoo Day was back in January, but since 2013 began I’ve been furiously writing some new material and booking up some great events for the coming year. So happy belated Kazoo Day! Head over to the AW Store and pick up a kazoo – or a CD – and give it to someone you love. (You have to love someone today, it’s the law.)
PLUS, coming this year: the return of The Bent Compass Party (Austin), The No Brainer Benefit Concert (Philly), The Brooklyn BBQ Block Party (NYC), and much more!!
Stay connected with FACEBOOK & TWITTER,
check out what i’m listening to on SPOTIFY,
listen to me on PANDORA,
watch me on YOUTUBE,
or just leave a comment and tell me where I should play next.
And, of course, let’s see each other in person. Because the world looks so much better when it’s not behind a screen.
Facebook Kazoo Testimonial
“Hey Avi Wisnia – we bought my 4 1/2 year old grandson one of your kazoo’s. His parents may never forgive me. But………soon he can join you when you play the xylophone.” – Marsha F. (grandmother)
“He’s annoying as heck, but he really is quite good!” – Rachel F. (mother)