Thanksgivukkah Sale

Get ready to light your menurkey and drink some pumpkinshevitz, here comes Thanksgivukkah! This glorious hybrid holiday, when Thanksgiving and Hanukkah overlap, comes but once every 70,000* years, so make the most of it.  One of the ways I’m making the most of it is by having a giant Thanksgivukkah sale!

Click the STORE link below to purchase in time for the holidays and save on Avi Wisnia T-shirts, posters and CDs, and buy some AW kazoos for your loved ones while you’re at it. Buy for your friends, or buy for yourself! This sale will go on through January 1.  For a direct link to the Avi Wisnia Webstore:

*this number is based on something i read on the internets…