Sky Blue Sky WorldWide Release
Listen. Download. Pay What You Want.
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Here are a few ways you can join the Release Day Celebration:
- Share the song link & artwork on FB, TW, or IG and tag with #SkyBlueSky @AviWisnia
- Write a review of Sky Blue Sky on iTunes
- Add Sky Blue Sky to your Spotify playlists, or create a new one to share
- Create an Avi Wisnia station on Pandora
- Send me an email with your mailing address and i’ll send you a hand-written message on a limited-edition #SkyBlueSky postcard. in the mail. with a STAMP!
- Download the song, and just sit outside and look up. Take a break. you deserve it.
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To read more about the song and the recording process, visit my BLOG.
Get more of the story with this great featured article and interview in the magazine Jump Philly.